Recycling means the treatment and reuse of waste for new products.
Here you’ll find an overview of all the submitted green projects. Take a moment to discover these inspiring initiatives and support your favorites by voting!
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Reduction is a chemical reaction in which a substance gains electrons. In return, another substance gives up the electrons and is oxidised in the process. The reduction is therefore a partial reaction of a redox reaction.
The term refers to the formation of the earth’s surface or the shape of a terrain and can be described, for example, on the basis of differences in height, slope and distance.
Red lists provide information about the endangerment status, the endangerment factors and the measures to protect the species in certain regions.
Humidity indicates the proportion of water vapour in a gas mixture. Since gases cannot absorb an unlimited amount of water, the relative humidity, on the other hand, describes the actual water content in relation to the physical maximum of a gas mixture.