
Name of the company: B-NK GmbH
Location: Wien/Vienna, Austria
Registered address (head office): Diepoldplatz 6/18, 1170 Wien/Vienna, Austria
Registered address: Zwingendorf Nr. 61, 2063 Zwingendorf, Austria
Telephone/fax: +43 1 990 89 96

Legal entity: GmbH
Managing director: Dr Bente Knoll

Business: consulting engineer (landscape planning and transport planning), management consultancy

Trade authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des XVII. Bezirkes und BH Mistelbach
Commerical register No.: 391008m
Commerial authority: Commerical Court Wien/Vienna, Austria
VAT: ATU67746308

Memberships: B-NK GmbH is a member in the Austrian Economic Chamber (consulting engineers,  management consultancy)

B-NK GmbH is listed in the Austrian Register of Tenderers (ANKO) under the code 46436.

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