synthetic fertiliser
Synthetic fertilisers or mineral fertilisers are inorganic plant fertilisers that can be used in conventional agriculture. The most common ingredients are nitrogen and phosphate compounds.
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Synthetic fertilisers or mineral fertilisers are inorganic plant fertilisers that can be used in conventional agriculture. The most common ingredients are nitrogen and phosphate compounds.
This distinction is a subdivision according to the nutrient requirements of plants. This distinction is important when creating crop rotation beds. Heavy feeders (e.g., brassicas) need an extraordinary amount of nutrients for good growth. Therefore, they are the first to be grown in a crop rotation. Average feeders (e.g., carrots) require significantly fewer nutrients. Weak
The buffering capacity describes the amount of acid that can be absorbed by the soil’s buffering function without causing a significant change in pH.
Volatile organic compounds – VOCs for short – are organic substances with a low boiling point. They are found in many solvents, woods, paints and sealants.
Sod tiles are pieces of grass separated from the ground with a thin layer of soil in which the roots are located.
Humidity indicates the proportion of water vapour in a gas mixture. Since gases cannot absorb an unlimited amount of water, the relative humidity, on the other hand, describes the actual water content in relation to the physical maximum of a gas mixture.
With new plantings, the soil material is usually loosely stored around the roots and there is plenty of air in the soil material. In order to completely cover the fine roots with soil and to largely displace the air, the plant is watered sufficiently. This process is referred to as “slurrying in”.
Lawn sods are small square pieces of grass, which are mainly used for greening sports fields and gardens.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the gaseous oxides of nitrogen. Nitrogen oxides irritate and damage the respiratory system and are responsible for the formation of acid rain.
Fertilisers containing nitrogen as the main nutrient element for plants. Nitrogen is considered the most important form of fertiliser and is taken up directly by plants in the form of nitrate, ammonium and urea. There are limitations on the amount of nitrogen fertiliser that should be used, as high levels of nitrate leaching endanger the
In the thermohaline circulation, four of the five oceans are connected by ocean currents. The circulation is caused by differences in temperature and salt.
Mediterranean climate refers to the macro climate in the subtropical areas. Characteristic of this are mild winters with many hours of sunshine and hot, rainy summers. The areas characterised by a Mediterranean climate are located near the 40th degree latitude.
“Mulching” means covering the soil with organic material. This ensures that the soil is protected from physical effects such as drying out, erosion, excessive overheating, silting up, etc. Mulch covers have a temperature-regulating effect and serve as a nutrient depot. In many cases, mulching replaces deep soil cultivation.
A microclimate denotes local atmospheric conditions that differ from those in the surrounding areas. Often it differs only slightly, but sometimes there is a significant difference. The term can refer to areas as small as a few square meters (e.g., a garden bed or a den) or many square kilometres.
The term “lichen” is used to describe the symbiosis between a fungus and an alga. The fine fungal threads weave around the algae or penetrate them. This enables the exchange of substances between the two life partners. The alga uses sunlight and chlorophyll to produce starch, which is the basis of life for the fungus.