plant care

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Regional Information: Plant care 0 (0)

Regional Information: Plant care Related matters in other countries Plants, growth factors and climate Water is one of the important growth factors for plants (see: plant care). The amount of water available to the plant influences, among other things, which plants can thrive in a location and how they develop. Precipitation as well as soil […]

Plant care 0 (0)

In order to thrive and grow optimally, various factors are indispensable for plants. Plant growth factors include light, air, temperature, water, and nutrients. If all factors are sufficiently present, the plant can develop well.

Experiment: Grow your own seedlings 0 (0)

Some plants must be pre-cultivated before they are planted. A practical and cost-saving option is to grow plants from the seeds yourself. This way, in contrast to greenhouse plants, they are immediately adapted to the environmental conditions and are thus more robust.

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