Questionnaire for schools

school – questionnaire
Information about your school

In this section we ask for general information about your school.

General information
General information
Name of school
Type of school
Age of the students
What does your school specialise in?
Whose property or ownership is the school?
Green team at your school

In this section we ask for information about green teams at your schools. By green team we mean a group that specifically works on the topics of greening, climate change and adaptation measures at your school.

Do you have a green team at your school?
How many teachers are involved?
How many students are involved?
How many external persons are involved?
How often does the green team meet?
Does the green team receive support from the head of your school?
Does the green team get any additional funding?
Does your school work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)?
Does your school implement aspects of Eduction for Sustainable Development (ESD)?
Information about contact person

Please note that the collected personal information will not be published. However, at the end of the questionnaire, you will have the option to give consent to be the contact person for your school.

Which subjects do you teach?
I am interested in exchanging ideas with other educators and schools.
I am interested in receiving further information, such as newsletters, webinars, and online informational events.
How frequently should webinars and online information events take place?
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