Our green playground


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CEIP Emperador Carlos V


What kind of green elements have been / will be built? What kind of plants have been / will be planted?

raised bed, crops bed, composting area, outdoor classroom
vegetables, flowers, plants with a habitat function (e.g. for insects or birds)

Who takes care of the green elements?

students, teachers, green team
The raised beds and crops bed are taking care for green team students during their recess and for the whole school’s childrenn in different science classes.sses

Are there any activities associated with this green initiative?

gardening with students, during (selceted) teaching subjects, working groups, green students – teams
This year we want to have a greener playground with 0 waste where we will use the fruit peels for our compost bin.
all students, some teachers

What is/was the motivation for the project?

Greening elements are important for promoting sustainability at school. Our children are high motivated to work at the crops bed and we want they learn the importance of waste reduction to help our environment.

How is/was the project financed?

By the school.

What are the (planned) results?

Raise students’ awareness about the importance of reducing waste, taking care of our planet, and tending to our plants by producing our compost using the waste from their snacks.

How comprehensively were the ideas, desires, and demands of the students integrated into the initiative?

The students are highly motivated to help tobuild a greener playground.

Does your initiative present itself to the public in any way?


How or on which channels does the project present itself to the public?


Pictures (up to 6)

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