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Regional Information: Vertical greening 0 (0)

Regional Information: Vertical greening Related matters in other countries Native climbing plants The use of native plants has many advantages. Because of their evolution linked to the place, they are very well adapted to the local climatic conditions and the characteristics of the soil. As a result, they are usually more robust, easier to care […]

Regional Information: Indoor greening 0 (0)

Regional Information: Indoor greening Related matters in other countries Houseplants / indoor plants and their origins Species known as typical and popular houseplants in one region are found in their wild form in nature, and outdoor in other regions. In keeping with the theme of indoor greening, we trace the origins and characteristics of some

Regional Information: Heat islands 0 (0)

Regional Information: Heat islands Related matters in other countries Urban heat islands – a comparison The urban heat island effect refers to the higher temperatures in the city with comparatively less cooling at night. This occurs due to the high proportion of sealed surfaces, dense building development and limited green spaces and vegetation. Therefore, heat

Regional information: Soil functions 0 (0)

Regional information: Soil functions Related matters in other countries Soil sealing means that soils are covered with a material that is completely or partially impermeable. If the soil is covered with a layer that is impermeable to water and air, soil life dies. Going by the current state of knowledge, sealed soils are considered irreversibly

Regional Information: Plant care 0 (0)

Regional Information: Plant care Related matters in other countries Plants, growth factors and climate Water is one of the important growth factors for plants (see: plant care). The amount of water available to the plant influences, among other things, which plants can thrive in a location and how they develop. Precipitation as well as soil

Regional Information: Positive effects of plants 0 (0)

Regional Information: Positive effects of plants Related matters in other countries AUSTRIA Various school greening schemes have been successfully implemented both indoors and outdoors, within the framework of projects such as GRÜNEzukunftSCHULEN in Austria. Furthermore, guidelines for the maintenance of greenery in schools, financing models, teaching materials and construction manuals have been developed. The aim

Regional Information: Soil types 0 (0)

Regional Information: Soil types Related matters in other countries Typical Soil Types There is a great variety of different soils. Both the parent material, such as rocks and deposits from rivers, and the climate are responsible for their formation. An interaction of many environmental influences and a long period of time results in different soils,

Regional Information: Soil 0 (0)

Regional Information: Soil Related matters in other countries “Soil Stories” The development of soil is a long process. The formation of many of our soils dates back to the last ice age, more than 10,000 years ago. In the following section, we tell different stories from different countries about the formation of soils. However, these

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