Funded projects that support our website

This website is supported by EU funding which enables us to create this website and produce the content and materials. The funding helps to support our project, promote cooperation and ensure the continuous development and improvement of our services. We are grateful for the support, which plays a crucial role in fulfilling our mission to integrate climate action and sustainability into the classroom and support green projects in schools.

The current project

“Green Cool Schools GROW Europe”, an Erasmus+ project

The project´s aim is to empower schools to implement greening projects easily and effectively. To achieve this, we are developing 15 building instructions for indoor and outdoor greening, which will be implemented by participating partner schools. Additionally, we are providing high-quality teaching materials and in-depth information on our website, which will be available in six languages – German, English, Spanish, Basque, Hungarian, and Irish.

Previous projects

“Green Cool Schools Network”, an Erasmus+ project

The “GreenCoolSchools Network” aims to establish a comprehensive network for “Green Cool Schools.” Building on the foundation of the previous Erasmus+ project “L4GS” (Learning4Greens@Schools, Learning and Teaching Materials for Greenings at Schools), this network seeks to enhance international collaboration among schools engaged in or planning school greening projects.

“Learning4Greens@Schools (L4GS): Learning and Teaching Materials for Greenings at Schools”, an Erasmus+ project

The project’s aim was to share “green knowledge” with schools internationally by developing didactic materials including practical experiments for Green Cool Schools across Europe: well-prepared, digitally accessible hands-on teaching and learning materials in English, Spanish, Basque, German and “Austrian” language. Due to the cooperation of Germany, Austria and Spain, three different climate- and soil-zones – which are representative for Europe – were addressed in the project.

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