About this website

Purpose of the Green Cool Schools website

The “Green Cool Schools” website provides teachers at secondary school level 1 with well-founded “self-service” hands-on teaching and learning material as knowledge base for school greening.

Education for sustainable development

Education for sustainable development On the one hand, enabling high-quality education for all people is a key goal of the United Nations (Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).

How to use the Green Cool Schools website

The website includes teaching and learning material for secondary school level 1 as knowledge base for school greening, which can be used by teachers for different teaching units.

Guideline for the Green Cool Schools material

This guideline shall contribute to the content of the website “Green Cool Schools” being integrated into the teaching practice of secondary school level 1.

Funded projects that support the website

The project’s aim was to share “green knowledge” to schools internationally through developing didactic materials including practical experiments for Green Cool Schools across Europe.

About the website – team

The international project team shares a large experience of working with schools on the topics of greening, sustainability and climate including implementing greenings in schools and developing didactic materials.
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