About the website – team
The international project team shares a large experience of working with schools on the topics of greening, sustainability and climate including implementing greenings in schools and developing didactic materials. The project was built on the project lead’s (the Austrian SME B-NK) many years of involvement in green school architecture as well as vertical facade greening which resulted in inclusive sustainability education.

B-NK GmbH: Green is the result of growth. For this reason, B-NK Büro für nachhaltige Kompetenz (Office for Sustainable Competence) has been accompanying and advising in processes of landscape planning, greening (especially climate, soil and plant-related expertise) as well as planning and maintenance of green buildings and open spaces since 2004. B-NK is specialised in applying a gender-orientated view to apparently gender-neutral fields like urban, landscape and traffic planning, mobility research, technology and engineering, environmental and sustainability research as well as planning and communication processes, and technologically orientated research and development projects. The company promotes dialogue, strengthens awareness and social sustainability, and provides know-how in municipalities, cities, communities and organisations, among them also educational institutions – before, during and after greening.

Prospektiker is a Spanish private company, specialised in foresight and prospective – strategic studies for the public and private sector. The company’s main purpose is to support organisations in exploring possible futures and in examining the strategies that may be adopted in response to the many economic, environmental, technological, social and cultural factors affecting the world. Prospektiker counts on a professional team specialised in different disciplines. This expert team has broad experience in the implementation of consultancy projects, for strategic and prospective planning areas, as well as for other kinds of company/organisation advising projects. Energy, environment, and urban planning is one of the focus business fields.

Umweltbuero Nord e.V. (Environmental Office North, registered association) is a small German charitable organisation which was founded in the Hanseatic city of Stralsund in 1997. The organisation is predominantly involved in the area of environmental information & education and works at regional and national level and is interested in international exchange and cooperation. Partner Umweltbuero is specialised in climate education at schools using its programme “Klima Detektive” (Climate detectives).