Taking root – reaching heights


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BG Dornbirn

in process

What kind of green elements have been / will be built? What kind of plants have been / will be planted?

indoor plants, green wall, crops bed, garden, outdoor classroom
ornamental plants, vegetables, fruits, flowers, food plants (e.g. for insects or birds), plants with a habitat function (e.g. for insects or birds)

Who takes care of the green elements?

students, teachers, green team, facility manager

Are there any activities associated with this green initiative?

gardening with students, during (selceted) teaching subjects, workshops, workshops with experts, green students – teams
some classes, special student teams, some teachers, external people

What is/was the motivation for the project?

Our project has several objectives. As a school with the environmental label „Umweltzeichen“, a holistic approach is very important to us.

How is/was the project financed?

In addition to funding from the federal government, the financial resources come from participation in competitions and a fundraising campaign held in the form of a sponsored run.

What are the (planned) results?

In addition to the ecological aspect, greening the school aims to promote the health of the students. Along with improving air quality, it also enhances mental well-being. At the start of the initiative, each class received a plant for their classroom. The students take care of these plants themselves. As decorations for the hallways and some classrooms, the students created bottle gardens. A wall greening project is currently in planning and is expected to be completed next year. The plans for outdoor greening, including shading the courtyard with trees and greening the facade, have been finalized. However, whether and how this greening will ultimately be implemented depends on federal approval. In recent years, other projects have already been implemented. The school now has a school garden, a snack garden, and two established flower meadows.

How comprehensively were the ideas, desires, and demands of the students integrated into the initiative?

The project involves not only teachers but also students and school staff, such as the janitor. The idea of wall greening and courtyard greening came from the students. The entire initiative was launched by the student council.

Does your initiative present itself to the public in any way?


How or on which channels does the project present itself to the public?


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