School gardens


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What kind of green elements have been / will be built? What kind of plants have been / will be planted?

raised bed, crops bed, garden, composting area
vegetables, fruits, flowers

Who takes care of the green elements?

students, teachers, facility manager
At our school, we have two gardens: the Early Childhood Education garden, located at the school entrance, and the Primary Education garden, a large area with different spaces for planting rose bushes, plants, and fruit trees.

Are there any activities associated with this green initiative?

gardening with students, during (selceted) teaching subjects, workshops, cooperation with (local) organisations, cooperation with families
In the garden, we prepare the soil, plant seeds, water the plants, observe their growth, carry out cleaning tasks, and add waste to the composter. When the harvest is ready, we collect the produce and sell it to the educational community to sustain and improve the garden. See video:
all students, some teachers

What is/was the motivation for the project?

In 2016, the project «Nire, zure, guztion ortua» (Mine, yours, everyone’s garden) was born. We maintain and enjoy it thanks to the work, commitment, and support of our educational community.

How is/was the project financed?

With the school’s own funds. Also, when we sell the crops to the families, this allows us some extra budget for the maintainance of the gardens.

What are the (planned) results?

The students not only enjoy these activities but also learn to respect nature, understand the importance of sustainability, self-care, a balanced diet, and perseverance. They also develop responsibility and cooperation skills, as third-cycle students guide first-cycle students, becoming their mentors. Families are also involved in the garden through open-door events and the sale of products.

How comprehensively were the ideas, desires, and demands of the students integrated into the initiative?

Does your initiative present itself to the public in any way?


How or on which channels does the project present itself to the public?


Pictures (up to 6)

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