Die Initiativen im Überblick

Details about the submitted initiative

Name of the initiative:
Organic garden

Status of the project:
in process

Implemented green elements:

  • indoor plants

Planted plants:

Persons who take care about the green elements:
students, teachers, green team

Additional informations about the greening elements:
The garden is managed by trying to use environmentally friendly materials, as well as cuttings from local plants that the students themselves collect and cultivate.

Activities associated with the green initiative:
gardening with students, workshops

More informations about the activites:

The organic garden initiative is used as a means to carry out experiences and foster camaraderie. During special weeks such as Environment and Health Week, activities are planned for the older students to offer workshops to the younger ones, teaching them how to manage the garden. In this way, we aim to expand the garden’s impact beyond the environmental aspect, also incorporating values related to cooperation and a sense of belonging to the school.

What was the motiviation for the project? 

We seek to create a sense of belonging to the school among the students, as well as to promote values such as cooperation. In the environmental realm, we aim to foster concern for the environment, in addition to developing basic notions of gardening and agriculture.

How is/was the project financed?

This project is part of the school’s Agenda 2030 initiative, which receives funding to carry out all the activities conducted throughout the year.

What are the (planned results)?

The objectives include: developing a critical awareness of environmental issues; acquiring basic gardening and agriculture skills; fostering a sense of belonging to the school through camaraderie activities; and developing a cooperative spirit among our students.



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