Indoor kindergarten greening


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Colegio Santísima Trinidad Ikastetxea


What kind of green elements have been / will be built? What kind of plants have been / will be planted?

indoor plants
ornamental plants, vegetables

Who takes care of the green elements?

students, teachers
For the realization of this humble project, recycled supports such as plastic bottles and aromatic or vegetable plants are used.

Are there any activities associated with this green initiative?

What is/was the motivation for the project?

Raise awareness and sensitize the youngest students from the beginning by promoting the idea of greening in a school in a highly urbanized environment.

How is/was the project financed?

Depending on the year, we try to carry it out with the smallest budget possible. If we need to buy something, we use funds from the environmental department of the Basque Government. Unfortunately, th

What are the (planned) results?

We do not believe in immediate results as we do not understand education as a business where everything has to be accounted for. However, we consider it a great help in their academic formation.

How comprehensively were the ideas, desires, and demands of the students integrated into the initiative?

It is difficult due to the age of the students, however, the opinions of the older students are taken into account to help them in the execution of the project.

Does your initiative present itself to the public in any way?


How or on which channels does the project present itself to the public?


Pictures (up to 6)

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